Teen Therapy

92779615“My little girl is now a total stranger to me.”

She slinks through the door, sullen and withdrawn.

When I try to talk to her, she lashes out, and we argue. She hates me, our family, her school, and herself.

She says she has no friends. I’m worried that she’s in trouble…

But I don’t know how to reach her, and I’m not sure where to turn.

“I didn’t raise him this way.”

My son used to love sports and had great friends.

But suddenly, he quit the team and is hanging out with people I don’t know.

Whenever I confront him about his dropping grades, he says he’s “fine.”

The other night, he came in past curfew, high and drunk. He laughed at me for “making a big deal out of nothing.”

I don’t know who he is anymore… and I’m afraid he doesn’t know either. I want him to have fun as a teen, but I’m worried he’s taking it too far.

How do I communicate my fears to him so he’ll turn things around?

773688718“I’m now terrified when I look at her.”

She’s always anxious and depressed, and she’s started cutting again.

She tells us how fat and ugly she is – how she’s not as pretty as her friends. I am concerned she’s not eating. I would offer to help her go on a healthy diet, but I’m afraid that would only make her self-esteem worse.

We’re tired of treatment centers. She maintains for a while but always slides back down into the abyss. We’re at our wits’ end, watching her self-destruct.

We can’t keep doing this alone. We need a professional.

Therapy gives them the support and outlet they need.

With over 20 years of experience with adolescent therapy, I speak “fluent teen.” I understand the complexity of their challenges and offer the space they need to work through the issues plaguing them.

Utilizing various evidence-based methods such as DBT, CBT, and Motivational Interviewing, we will get to the root causes of the issues.

Your teen will feel comfortable, relaxed, and supported throughout therapy. We will work together toward healing and recovery to gain positive, healthy, and lasting results.

Nothing is better than seeing your teen turn their life around and live the best life possible.

Support isn’t just for them.

Parenting teens is tough.

Through the process, I will be here to help guide, support, and educate parents on what their child is going through. You are their lifetime support system and deserve as much compassion and understanding as your teen.

Call today for a free consultation, and let’s talk about how I can best help your teen navigate their life and work toward success: (609) 576-8564.